Kuskovo Estate Tour

For Whom

For those who love captivating romantic stories. Kuskovo is Love. Love of the Count Petr Sheremetev to the young Anna Naryshkina. The love that started from his desire to retire to a monastery at the age of 62 and ended with five children.

It's also love of the Count Nikolay Sheremetev to his serf actress Praskovia Zhemchugova. A Russian version of a cinderella story. Apart from this Kuskovo means love for splendid balls and masquerades of Russian nobility and love for romantic retreats in one of the most beautiful Moscow landscape parks.    
By the way, you can get married there if you feel like this. After the excursion)    

What You Can See and Learn

Imagine: nothing had been reconstructed here and not much redone since the time of the Count Petr Sheremetev (1713-1788). With him the estate acquired the status of «a summer country party house». Kuskovo was not touched by the war and class struggle of the «bolsheviks». The Count Sergey Sheremetev handed if over to the Soviet Authorities shortly before his death in 1918.
You will see beautiful interiors of the 18th century, unique original furniture and learn the history of the owners of the estate – the Sheremetevs.   

How It Goes

We meet at the parking place at Yunosti Street, 2 in front of the entrance to museum estate Kuskovo. I recommend to book a transport service or to take a taxi as getting there by public transport is far from convenient.

We'll have a walk in Kuskovo landscape park to see beautiful pavilions: Italian House, Holland House, Hermitage, Swiss Chale. It's like a small tour of Europe in Moscow. During the excursion we'll visit the Palace to see the interior design and the Grotto. It will take us all in all about 1,5 hours.  


You can ask all questions you are interested in, choose an itinerary and book a tour filling in a booking form. 

It's also possible to contact me via WhatsApp messenger or by e-mail! 

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